2 aspects that could be considered risks to keep in mind
before adopting a rescue dog include:
1. You may never know their medical and
psychological history or breed lineage
2. You always have to stay alert in every type of situation
when parenting a rescue dog
After that scare, let me give you a more realistic balanced picture ‘MKay!
It’s good to know, all the ⤵️following comes from
personal experience as a rescue dog mum.
Marshal welcomed us as his family in December 2018
Here are some of the assumptions we made,
and what was validated and factual.
Assumption 1: We were told ”he is a puppy”
After the adoption process was complete, I took him straight to
my known practicing veterinarian.
She is a professional, caring, straightforward doctor and I knew that
her expertise would serve us well.
“Vrushali, his testicles are descended. This indicates he is
not a puppy. Also, look at his teeth, these are not milk teeth like a puppy would have”
Now, did I ‘return’ this dog in outrage. Hard no!
Here is how I knew. This may not work for you, but
there is Some Way that will! I call that telepathy energy guidance.
Because for me, the moment Marshal was brought on display,
my heart skipped a beat- I knew Marshal was meant to be with my family.

I was thinking to myself “how long will it take for this rescue dog to feel comfortable after being rehomed”
I was getting too far ahead!
Here is my advise: When in doubt and fatigued- my mantra is
take one step at a time.
Just 1 step. Because even an entire day might become too much!

And this is just one of the reasons why I decided to document
all my dog parenting learnings
in an eBook.
🐶Marshal made our family complete💝
This eBook is available for purchase at ten dollars
Now, it is a known fact, scientifically proven that dogs
improve mental health. Pet dogs teach us about responsibility.
I experienced this too.
And I want fellow pet parents to know about this,
to be aware about pet parenting, how to parent a rescue dog.
So here is my suggestion, read about rescue shelters carefully
as you go about in search of your rescue dog.
Ask questions- genuine shelters are always
happy to answer well thought-out questions. It shows them that you care too!
I have a helpful guidebook as a 9 dollar resource to get you started.
And ofcourse, you can purchase my eBook and be sure to get LOTS of support from me about pet parenting a rescue dog.
💞To you it’s just one dog, to that one dog you are their entire world🌍🐶💞
Bonus resource:- there are 3 important factors
I always keep in mind when caring for my older rescue dog, Marshal.
- Always carry a first aid kit.
- Attach a bold and clear ‘dog in training’ leash tag when walking the dog.
- Keep your adult rescue dog leashed for their own safety in unfamiliar surroundings.
Further precaution as a pet parent to a rescue dog:
Page 29 of my eBook has a short curt paragraph that reads:
“While on this topic, I shall slide in 2 Extra points.”
That’s because as a pet parent and
practicing interspecies telepathy communicator, I am tired of
putting out anxiety fires when pet parents reach out to me in tears
saying. “the loud noise spooked him and he just slipped out of the collar and disappeared. Where’s my baby”
and the really really sad one during 4th of July “I locked the windows but I went to get the door and she just bolted out. I have been searching all week, no sign of her”
In summary, older adopted dogs are a sweet spicy delight and
totally worth the initial slow introduction into your family.
I always encourage feedback and reply to any clarifications you may ask.
Speak it out 👇👇right here!
Thank you for reading this!
Have a great day 😃