It’s your very own dear family dogs that share their guidance and wisdom to demonstrate the all-important
How to be well-thy and fulfilled, in order to live a better aligned lifestyle.
What continues to amaze my client friends, is how little all materialistic factors matter to their animals.
All they want is food, shelter and lots of 🧸💅💝TLC
which they Reciprocate to their humans.
Let me answer some FAQs about:
🔸my mentorship programs, 🔸telepathy, 🔸natural modalities, 🔸payment plans, 🔸what to expect during our mentorship calls, etc 👇👇👇👇👇
“What do you do exactly, Vrushali?!”
In 1 sentence:
Your pet dog wants to be your guide to living a successful, fun-filled corporate lifestyle- through my monthly mentorship program!
In 1 paragraph, here is what my customised programs do:
I, together with my 2 family dogs Blossom and Marshal; give you a career success map that lets you 💼enjoy your job; 💷💵have a consistent revenue and be a🧳🧸🥂loving family! We do this by translating your dog’s-talk using 👥🐾telepathy.
What do you think about this scenario👇
Dog is welcomed into family and grows to be happy and healthy ⏬
Suddenly, when he has to leave for doggy day care, dog starts resisting⏬
Dog has to be dragged out of the house into the car⏬
Once at the doggy day care, dog is fine⏬
Upon reflection, human becomes aware that she resists going to work lately🥁
She is so demotivated, that she ‘drags’ herself into work🥁
After lot of hesitation and mentoring, human leaves work🥁
Dog; as if suddenly, for no apparent reason stops resisting doggy day care😵
dog is normal again, human is in a better job, life is successful!
What we mean to say is; life is too short to
only focus on success at the cost of loneliness
So, we hold a safe non judgmental space to let
DOG show you the way to ↙️
a FUNfilled, WELLthy lifestyle that incorporates the FUNdamental 4 life pillars:
🔸nutrition, 🔸peace, 🔸love and 🔸prayer
What is telepathy?
I am so happy you asked!
Think of telepathy as a 🧠’language translation tool’.
Say, we want to have a dialogue 👥🐾with your family dog.
I dial a ‘secure call’ to your dog in my mind. I have a conversation with the dog. The dog ‘talks’ back to me which I ‘translate’ using …. Any guesses
using my 5 senses!! taste, smell, hear, feel and sight
And depending on what comes through to me; I share the same, as is; with you
With practice, this becomes more effortless, it becomes more fun, there’s a Lot of deep wisdom that the animal shares, which a telepathic communicator shares with you!
What’s the use of telepathy?
The 2 main purposes of telepathy communication are:
A. You share family space with… a nature being and also inanimate objects that make your house a home.
To understand any of these beings and objects better will support your bond as a happy relaxed family
B. To understand what is your animals’ soul contract with you and explore this further in a safe and non judgemental environment.
Is it just dogs (and cats) that we help?
The short answer: ofcourse not!
Long answer:
We help domestic animals, farm animals, exotic animals, and Also house plants, your apartment, find your always-go-walk about keys and also📣moody kids!!
So do I talk to humans?
The short answer is: yes!
The long answer: I prefer to talk to a human Through their animal and only when said animal is a part of your immediate family.
I can definitely direct you to Mediums, Auto writers, etc
And I prefer addressing the natural channel of auric energy of the human rather than my telepathy modality.
What are natural healing channels?
Any modality used for the benefit of humans in a natural way. No cutting open the body!
The modalities I practise and continue to study deeply include: Traditional Reiki, Intuitive healing, Bach Flower, Power animals and NLP.
With constant indepth personal development; I share with you as I continue learning from experts.
🎊pets really Are the best!
How did yours 🐶make you smile 😃today?!!
“Vrushali, Do you teach all this?“
I do! I teach through my experiences and mentor you to create your OWN support system for:
- Better productivity by regulating stress and not wasting time & energy
- Allowing your family dogs to guide you to a fulfilled lifestyle
You can choose between a prepaid plan and a postpaid plan (convenient huh!)
Both begin with a 45 minute call.
Where you get real-time mentoring about your immediate productivity concern.
📣Because you get to explore my method of mentorship this way,
you then decide which option works for you and make it official with a monetary investment!
What is included in the prepaid plan:
- 4900 dollars gets you 5 calls with me; valid for five months.
- And 1 additional expert coaching, laser focused call for your personal development (all shall be explained when we talk, so hold that exciting thought!)
- When that time expires, the plan ceases until your next topup!
- These calls are in real-time.
- The calls can be either 1 of 3 ways👉 audio, video and chat support.
- 1 call duration is 45-minutes.
- Intermittent chat support is a bonus and as a dogs’ mum,
- I know we all have ‘those moments’ when we long for professional support.
- You get that from me!
What is included in the postpaid plan:
- 120 dollars gets you one 45-minute call with me.
- The actual call duration extends to being 60 minutes.
- 45 minutes of mentorship and then
- 15 minutes to wrap up, wind down and make the ‘post-call payment’!
- Yup.. I take payment during conclusion of our 1st call. It’s just the way I work!
- When that time expires, the plan ceases until your next topup!
- Intermittent SOS-only chat support is Always available from me, a bonus! As a dogs’ mum,
- I know we all have ‘those moments’ when we long for professional support.
- You get that from me!
“What are your payment plans, Vrushali?”
You can choose between a prepaid plan and a postpaid plan (convenient huh!)
Both begin with a 45 minute call.
What is included in the prepaid plan:
- 4900 dollars gets you 5 calls with me; valid for five months.
- And 1 additional expert coaching, laser focused call for your personal development (because afterall, personal development helps you succeed right?! All shall be explained when we talk, so hold that exciting thought!)
- When that time expires, the plan ceases until your next topup!
- These calls are in real-time.
- The calls can be either 1 of 3 ways👉 audio, video and chat support.
- 1 call duration is 45-minutes.
- Intermittent chat support is a bonus and as a dogs’ mum,
- I know we all have ‘those moments’ when we long for professional support.
- You get that from me!
I teach through my experiences and mentor you to create your OWN support system for:
- Better productivity by regulating stress and not wasting time & energy
- Allowing your family dogs to guide you to a fulfilled lifestyle
Where you get real-time mentoring about your immediate productivity concern.
📣Because you get to explore my method of mentorship this way, can this be more straightforward?!
What is included in the postpaid plan:
- 120 dollars gets you one 45-minute call with me.
- The actual call duration extends to being 60 minutes.
- 45 minutes of mentorship and then
- 15 minutes to wrap up, wind down and make the ‘post-call payment’!
- Yup.. I take payment during conclusion of our 1st call. It’s just the way I work!
- When that time expires, the plan ceases until your next topup!
- Intermittent SOS-only chat support is Always available from me, a bonus! As a dogs’ mum,
- I know we all have ‘those moments’ when we long for professional support.
- You get that from me!
“Any other way to get familiar with your work?”
There are 4 ways!
You could also support my work ….
And Also:
👉Share my videos like this one with friends, family and magazines
👉Introduce me to your community
👉Stay in touch online. Tell me your preferred social media and I shall share my link!
“What can I expect during your programs?”
Mentorship with me includes a Lot of straight talk.
Our ego’s are left at the door,
we receive generously from each other in understanding and out of love for the common denominator-
your beloved fur baby (or green baby🪴 lol)
I get Super excited to share Everything helpful to you that comes to mind..
If it’s too much, tell me to stop!
If what I say doesn’t make sense, use the code word “say no more”! That’s my cue to talk slower and chose better words!
You never know when inspiration calls, please take notes!
Your animals never blab or gossip about their humans, they will not reveal any ‘secrets’ Unless it’s for your SOUL good-
I have had it happen a Handful times out of the 100 animals I have conversed with since the beginning of this year!
My mentorship is Always in complimentary, not as a replacement to: vet support, dog training, humane practices, the law of nature and all those good things!
“Are you really in India, Vrushali?!”
I am!
In the Western part of India, 4 hour drive away from ‘Bollywood’
in a city steeped in history and dotted with hills,
forts that stand proud with history from 2,000 years ago and water bodies!
My mother tongue…. Is Marathi!
Watch this Instagram video to get all the Marathi feels from Blossom! 👇
Some of our traditions handed down generation to generation include:
▶️Footwear removed outside the home
▶️Festivals celebrated as homage to the ‘divine energy’ rather than any deity worship
▶️Day begins with prayers and concludes with prayers
▶️Yoga is practised through the day! beginning with the 12 Suryanamaskaar
🌺Families pay daily homage to the Basil plant (tulsi) as mother energy
🌺A visiting crow Always receives a tasty morsel- whether given by the child or the seniors of the household
🌺1pm to 4pm …. Is ME time. Local businesses close shop! Everyday! Have lunch, get some rest, whatever!
🌺Groundnut or Sunflower oil is preferred (and body-capacity-wise healthier) over Olive oil !
English is …. My 3rd language!
What you are shown VS what Indians actually do!
😃We do not eat tikka masala everyday!
😃Poppadum making is a generational skill. Every summer, most houses will have an annual supply of poppadum’s drying in the hot sun!
😃Spiced tea leaves, boiled, add milk and strained is tea! “Polly put the saucepan on…..”- will be a more relatable nursery rhyme for us here!
😃Nama-stay away is all cool; yet…. Namaste is a daily greeting, exactly like you would say a respectful ‘good day’
Now, tell me about yourself???! Go ahead, speak it out here!
Thanks for stopping by! Happy browsing 😍