And what family dogs have to do with this?!
Note #1: This article is very helpful and invaluable for humans who:
Want to explore their soul’s purpose,
They are on a quest to explore ‘where did idol worship even begin?’
They have asked ‘I believe in a higher source without form.’
Note #2: This article has devnagri terms (Ashwin, Laxmi, Dhanteras, etc!), a LOT of
Indian cultural references and all that jazz. When you feel the
need for more in dept information, I am Always available via email, DM, etc!
Note #3: Family dogs have EVERYTHING to do with this– on
an energetic soul level- as your soul’s personal guide. Make
USE of this invaluable resource that LIVES with you!
So, let’s get started!
The meaning of Diwali
Diwali, known as Deepavali is a combination of 2 words
Deep (illumination) and Avali (row)
Everything about this festival symbolises illumination.
🎇From the different deities that are invited and sought for blessings (we will translate their respective energies in this post)
🎇To the calendar days and specific time
🎇To the special food items
🎇And flowers used
Here is a useful picture prompt Diwali ‘screensaver’ 👇that you can use to
get creative; or journal and also record
your 👌Diwali energetic soul study!
How to Use this picture prompt properly:
1. Zoom this page and take a screenshot OR Click this link that takes you to the JPG file.
2. Go into any photo editor OR Open your Instagram Stories and add this screenshot. You can Add text on there and save it!
3. Too much work? Okay just manually write down the answers to these prompts and Keep Going!

To get a proper PDF printout, opt-in your email id here.
Also, this is an example of how I use mine!

Which community celebrates Diwali?
This festival embraces the entire community.
🔸Everyone and literally everyone comes together to illuminate every space with rows of lights 🤗
🔸Now traditionally, these lights or diya’s are made with potters’ clay, fired in the furnace and then colourfully painted.
🔸This decorated diya is then filled with oil, a cotton wick and lit.
🔸Also, paper lanterns with intricate cutout patterns are hung from entry points of homes and illuminated with light bulbs.
🔸This all looks very delicate, colourful and lends a lot of positive energy to the environment.

Diwali and Mythology
Diwali celebration has many tales associated
historically and mythologically. The common theme is
struggle of good versus unpleasant and the eventual victory of good.
Now, because of this friction, there are energetic associations specific
during the festivities of Diwali that are of utmost interest to the studious soul!
There is a lot of information already online about
Diwali dates and what is celebrated. I shall not repeat that here.
Now, I shall name the significant
Diwali sub-celebrations and then get into
their energetic significance! Alright?!
🙌There are 2 ways to absorb this next section
🙌Way #1 Read like a textbook chapter
❊This method will take you about 20 minutes of just reading.
❊Make note in your journal of any sentences that your eyes linger upon.
(That’s your soul’s food for thought!)
🙌Way #2 Deep Dive exploration
❊This method will take you about 40 minutes of deep study.
❊May I suggest that you take a 5 minute break in between.
❊Stay hydrated– any soul exploration is draining physically and the body must be replenished with water (or fruit juices)
Think about how your smartphone heats up when you have many many apps open at 1 time!
❊Okay, so next, skim through each category.
❊Then come back to the category that calls out to you most.
- Deep dive here– sit with the words, invite yourself to feel what the words describe, use your five senses (Clair’s) to explore the energies further.
- Invite your 🤗angel guides and 🦊power animals to accompany you.
- Stay in gratitude 🦄as you do this activity.
- After a while, mindfully return👌to the here and now.
Yea… it’s AWESOME!!!
For your very own special Diwali energetic handbook, get the PDF by email opt-in right here!
Diwali sub-celebrations are
The festivals align to the Lunar calendar and have a specific time frame when they have their highest potential. This is called the Shubh Mahoorat
I. Vasu Baaras
II. Dhanteras
III. Laxmi Pooja
IV. Balipratipada
V. Bhai dooj
VI. Tulsi Pooja
I. Vasu Baaras- Feminine nurturing energy of cow
Vasu Baaras is a combination of 2 words:-
Vasu: Cow and Baaras: Twelve
This is the 12th light of day of the Krishna Paksha of the Ashwin calendar month, according to the Maharashtrian calendar. Maharashtra is a Western State in the Republic of India and my home State 😊

Cow energy represented as a spirit animal:-
This is a maternal feminine energy symbolising abundance, fertility and nurturing capacity.
Gratitude for the day:-
Just for today, I welcome this energy to guide me into nurturing myself and exploring my femininity.
May cow guide me to see aspects of myself that I need to birth, in order to bring them to light and fruition with minimal friction.
Angel Number guidance:-
In 2023, This day was November 10th
1011 angel guidance has been:
To take that 1st step into a new beginning.
This could be a new chapter in life, or even as small as beginning a new day.
This number is associated with Archangel Michael who can be invited to guide you.
Just for today, I am open to trusting my intuition and listen to the guidance of my higher self. Thank you Angels, for supporting me.
For your very own special Diwali energetic handbook, get the PDF by email opt-in right here!
II. Dhanteras- Energy of determination and forbearance
Dhanteras is derived from a combination of 2 words:-
Dhan: Wealth and Teras: Thirteen
This ‘Dhan’ according to Mythology, was retrieved after churning a tempestuous ocean and is the culmination of separating poison from nectar.

Thus, we can interpret the associated energies as a celebration of consistent health that sustains even through great illness (poison)
This engages themes of cleansing, renewal, and the securing of auspiciousness.
This is also the occasion where the Lord of death was cleverly thwarted and had to return without a human soul. By using illumination that lasts all night long, making the night feel as if daylight. Which is why this day is also known as Narka Chaturdashi.
This is yet another energetic indication of how time, patience and determination pays rewards.
Energies of gratitude, application of ancient learnings and forbearance apply here.

Gratitude for the day:-
Just for today, I shall remember the forbearance of my ancestors and pay homage to it. I am where I am because of their willingness and determination to push through struggle.
May my path through struggle be illuminated by ancient cosmic knowledge so that I may make a worthy contribution to humanity while staying healthy and wealthy.
Angel Number guidance:-
In 2023, This day was November 12th
1211 angel guidance has been:
Spring cleaning time! Sort through materialistic and spiritual objects you hold- purge and give away those that no longer serve a purpose.
Just for today, I shall be positive and focused on my goals. This is 1 action I shall take to make progress. Thank you, dear Angels for supporting me today.
For your very own special Diwali energetic handbook, get the PDF by email opt-in right here!
III. Laxmi Pooja- Divine energies of prosperity
This is celebrated on the new moon day during Diwali.
The energies associated with Laxmi include:
- Marital partnership
- Wealth and prosperity
- Cleanliness
- Abundance
By inviting the presence of this energy, one can actually feel its flow within. It is a good practise to focus on one of the 7 chakras that you find compatible to this energy. This could be for the most obvious- the heart chakra or even any of the others.
The 7 chakras and their beej-akshar are as follows.
❃Root Chakra
❃Sacral Chakra
❃Solar Plexus Chakra
❃Heart Chakra
❃Throat Chakra
❃3rd eye Chakra
❃Crown Chakra
If you are uncertain about HOW TO focus on 1 of the 7 chakras, follow these steps:-
Step 1- read through this list slowly and keep a marker/pen/pencil ready in hand
Step 2- where your attention lingers, make a mark!
Step 3- After reading all the 7 chakras, return to those you marked
Step 4- If only 1 chakra is marked, give it gratitude and invite this energy here
Step 5- If more than 1 chakra is marked and 1 does not stand out, do a body test/ pendulum test/ etc
Step 6- Invite this energy into the chosen chakra and follow a gratitude message
Step 7- Close the day with another gratitude message to this energy.
And yes, for any queries, doubts, and so forth I am just an email away!
Gratitude for the day:-
Dear Laxmi, I invite your presence into my being in the form I have a capacity to hold effortlessly at present. Please guide me on the next steps to take on my life’s path in a way I will understand and implement.
Om Shanti, Om Shanti, Om Shanti
Angel Number guidance:-
In 2023, This day was November 12th
1211 angel guidance has been:
Abundance! Make the mental and spiritual capacity to receive and share abundantly.
Just for today, I shall abundantly receive and generously share with one and all. This is 1 action I shall take to make progress. Thank you, dear Angels for supporting me today.
For your very own special Diwali energetic handbook, get the PDF by email opt-in right here!
IV. Balipratipada
This is celebrated on the 4th day of Diwali, the combination of 2 words
Bali- King Baali and Pratipada- commencement of 1st day of a lunar fortnight.
As an ode to this noble King who sacrificed himself to fulfill the wish of Lord Vishnu who presented himself in the guise of a wandering hermit, the energies are of devotion, righteousness and deeds for the community good.
In Maharashtra, Padva is celebrated with the energies of a new beginning, marital partners’ appreciation and anticipation of a new chapter.
Across regions of the Republic of India, this day is celebrated under various names.
❀Jammu- Raaja Bali idols
❀Himachal Pradesh- Barlaj
❀Maharashtra- Padva
❀Tamil Nadu and Karnataka- Kedaragauri vratam
❀Kerala- Onam (the dates are different and not during Diwali)
Gratitude for the day:-
Dear All Knowing One, I invite you to partake of the festivities. Overlook my arrogance and grant pardon so I may never stray far from the ultimate destination that is to be one with You, within.
Dear marital partner, I am grateful to be myself with you and recognise my relationship with you as one that will carry us through this life together.
Angel Number guidance:-
In 2023, This day was November 14th
1411 angel guidance has been:
Keep hope! Strength, courage and determination are the elements to focus on.
Just for today, I am grateful for recognising my strengths and shall keep steady through any rough patch thinking of it as a mere test. This is 1 action I shall take to make progress. Thank you, dear Angels for supporting me today.
For your very own special Diwali energetic handbook, get the PDF by email opt-in right here!
V. Bhai Dooj
Bhai Dooj celebrates the bond of siblings. Brother and sister take time out together during this day.
Bhai means Brother.
Among celestial elements, the Moon is given the place of brother and children lovingly address the Moon ‘Chandamaama’
Chanda means Moon while Maama means mother’s brother (maternal uncle)
This day brings energies of masculine and feminine, familia, playfulness, camaraderie and sibling love.
Gratitude for the day:-
Dear Bhai, I invite you to partake of the festivities with me. As I enjoy your support and love, hold me steady during times of strife and be my biggest cheerleader during my joy.
Angel Number guidance:-
In 2023, This day was November 15th
1511 angel guidance has been:
Insightfulness, Confidence and Respect, are the elements to focus on today!
Just for today, I shall honor my intuition and celebrate my feminine and masculine elements equally. Strong as a man and delicate as a woman, both aspects are a part of me and make me complete, together. Just as siblings would. This is 1 action I shall take to make progress. Thank you, dear Angels for supporting me today.
For your very own special Diwali energetic handbook, get the PDF by email opt-in right here!
VI. Tulsi Pooja
This is the ultimate culmination of Diwali energies, with Feminine elements symbolised by the Tulsi plant joining the Masculine elements symbolised by the Shaligram-form of Lord Vishnu the Preserver of Creation.
This culmination of energies has momentum enough to dictate the coming 12 months of spiritual growth when channeled appropriately with gratitude and guidance!

Tulsi is a medicinal herb and has ‘mother’ energy of nurturing.
Shaaligram are fossiled stone and has the energy of ancient wisdom and steadfast continued existence through many ages.
I can hardly contain my excitement and anticipation; imagine inviting these energies and the transformation I shall go through as its result! Om Shanti. Om Shanti. Om Shanti.
Tulsi Pooja occurs 10 days after Diwali, on Dev Uthani Ekadashi. Dev means Lord, Uthani means To Awaken and Ekadashi is 11th Lunar day of the waxing phase (known as Shukla Pakṣha)
The energies associated are that of feeling refreshed, a new beginning and union.
Gratitude for the day:-
Dear Tulsi, I invite your presence in my life today. Refresh me with the juice of your tender leaves that I may remain healthy and youthful in mind and soul. Shaaligram shaped Vishnu, keep me on the path to salvation and soul development whatever my life might bring along the journey.
Angel Number guidance:-
In 2023, This day was November 24th
2411 angel guidance has been:
Maternal, Compassion and Nurturing, are the elements to focus on today!
Just for today, may I rejoice in acknowledging feminine and masculine parts of my being. I shall nurture my soul with motherly love. I shall be compassionate to my actions with fatherly kindness. This is 1 action I shall take to make progress. Thank you, dear Angels for supporting me today.
For your very own special Diwali energetic handbook, get the PDF by email opt-in right here!
Well dear friends, that’s all for now!
I repeat some important instructions:
❊Stay hydrated– any soul exploration is draining physically and the body must be replenished with water (or fruit juices)
❊Sit with the words that resonate with you. As you invite yourself to feel what the words describe, use your 5 senses (Clair’s) to explore the energies further.
❊Invite your 🤗angel guides and 🦊power animals to accompany you.
❊Stay in gratitude 🦄as you do this activity.
Will you write and tell me how this goes?!
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Have a good day, dear friend!