10 years ago while shopping at

Victoria Quarter, Leeds, UK, I would’ve 😛stuck my tongue out (rudely), had someone said to me;
“Vrushali, your life will be more fun and rewarding…. because of dogs”
Free #1:- HOW TO LIVE A Dog friendly sustainable lifestyle
Especially for executives who are dog parents!
Living a sustainable pet friendly lifestyle is ACHIEVABLE
The methods I chose include:
- Altering my home layout,
- Use better methods of transportation,
- Thoughtful energy consumption and
- A nature-respectful seasonal meal plan.
With the arrival of summer, I, like many of us struggled to
- Balance my desire for simple living with the
- Need to enjoy lifestyle amenities to enjoy the weather comfortably!
Fortunately, there are a variety of methods that we can use to live a simplistic sustainable summer, without sacrificing our enjoyment of the warm weather.
My long-coated dogs survived and also enjoyed last summer with the holistic support of Bach Flower nourishment and Reiki energy.
I practise such methods by which to reduce the use of Earth’s natural resources
including reducing my carbon footprint

FastForward ⏩⏩to today🎉🎉🎉⤵️
I am relaxed, cherish a simple lifestyle my family,
enjoy client conversations, have money to spend and savings in the bank. All because of my dogs 😆😅🤣🐶🐶
This free resource is for you; a fellow dog parent who
- 🚧Is successful yet searching for answers
- 🏧Has an ambitious career path yet feels an emptiness inside
- 💤Likes their family yet feels that ‘zing’ is missing
🎁Welcome home, my friend!
🎉Browse this article, and also go click on the menu bar👇, that has

For you to explore more information about dog parenting as a busy executive!
And also, you can speak your thoughts and feedback to me here! (that’s right🎤 minimal typing required!)👇
Free #2:- Dog parenting videos
Ever since Blossom came home as a 2 month
old puppy in April 2018, I have been fascinated by her intelligence and unique personality.
Family dogs have been a part of our lives for
centuries, our loyal companions and very best friends.
When our normally gentle; loving fur babies display
temperamental behaviors, it is hurtful, puzzling and difficult
to understand. Which makes it hard to look for a resolution.
This struggle is what led me to
explore, learn, study and practise telepathic conversations.
AKA dog whisperer.
Like this video on my YouTube channel talks about my own journey as a
new dog parent and how telepathy helps me parent my dogs better ⤵️
Well, thanks for stopping by 😃
🔦Do you know a busy, stuck and stressed out dog parent who
will Really Benefit from knowing about us?
Care to share this web-page with them?! Thank you!